Monday, April 12, 2010

I Never Win

Sweet Rebekah, whose blog I read very often, hosted a give-away.  This is what it was...

Her own homemade strawberry jam!  Yummy.  She also posted the recipe with step by step directions.  I have made strawberry jam many, many years ago - and now I may be inspired to do it again.

Anywho...I never win anything.  Seriously.  Never.  Ever.

So, you can imagine my delight when I got an email from her requesting my address so she could send my jam to me...because I WON! 

So, I now have to revise my earlier statement to say....

I seldom win anything.  Seriously.  Seldom.

But this one time is something so makes up for all those never...evers.

You can check-out Rebekah's blog, all about trying to live as a godly wife and mom to 3 little boys at...

You won't be disappoined, you will be blessed.

1 comment:

Jill said...

Oooooh....share it with me!! LOL