Tuesday, June 16, 2009

It's Not About ...

You can finish the statement above - I know you can. "It's not about me" has become a sentence everyone quotes, but who practices it? Somehow, it's just so easy for it all to be about ME - my feelings, my needs, my wants. I am always hearing about someone whose feelings are hurt, or from someone who is afraid they will hurt someone's feelings. This is the norm in the church today. It seems that instead of growing in the Lord - instead of having His peace in our hearts and minds - instead of living a life focused outwardly on others, we still struggle with this most elementary concept. It truly isn't about me. It's about Jesus - about giving Him glory - walking in His steps - fulfilling the great commandment: Love God - Love Others. It's about being filled with His Holy Spirit and walking in the Spirit, not the flesh. Simple? Yes. Hard? Yes! Because I have to die to self for any of this to happen. Jesus instructed us to pick up our cross (to die upon) daily and follow Him. "O Lord, give us the diligence to renew our hearts and minds with Your Word daily, to really die to ourselves and follow You every day. Help us to walk by faith, not by feelings."


kelliegene said...

Wow! You said it sister. You certainly have a gift for writing. How funny that I have said this very phrase several times lately. I believe I even said it to Jay earlier today. You are so right. Thanks for putting these sentiments into words.

Threeblindsheep said...

Okay, you simply must go over and read my post today on, guess what: "It's not about me!!" God must be speaking this message! Thanks for sharing. --Sheep C

Linda Lou Rogers Averitt said...

well sadi...so many times our focus is on the ME,