Sunday, February 3, 2013

Only God

The past few days have been difficult ones.  I hate when people do this, but I am forced to do it now - I 'm not at liberty to share why (those closest to me, know).

When hurtful, distressful things come - we run a gamut of emotions, thoughts and plans in our minds. "I'm going to do this!"  "I will say this..."  "I'm never..." 

But I find a Voice within that continues to speak Truth to my heart and my mind.  He faithfully brings His Word to me, softly - He doesn't shout.  I can choose to ignore Him, or I can choose to listen. 

This time, He immediately spoke the verse I needed most, "And let us not grow weary in well doing, for in due season, we shall reap if we faint not."  Oh, I ignored it ... for a little while ... for a day...maybe a day and a half. 

By last night, I had accepted (again) that everyone doesn't like what we do.  I remembered Who I am serving, Who I must obey.  I yielded my will to His will...once again. 

And then this morning, I decided I would read my devotional first...before my daily Bible plan.  I tried to use my new IPad (Thank you, Dear Brother), but couldn't remember the long list of numbers that make up my wireless password. So, I went to get my phone (what did we do before technology?).

I finally got YouVersion open, found Psalms 12 - and the first words are the title, "For the choir director:..."  That's when the dam broke and the tears flowed and I knew again without a shadow of a doubt that my Loving Father knows, He cares.  When I started this journey He said, "I'll be with you." And He is.

Only God...AWE-SOME!!!!


Jill said...

Amen. Proud of you, Mama.

Love you!!

Elaina Weaver said...

I didn't realize all this was going on. So thankful God worked it all out and quickly too.

Elaina Weaver said...

I didn't realize all this was going on. So thankful God worked it all out and quickly too.