You read a lot about the different seasons of life. There are books galore to instruct, inform and supposedly help one through each one. I have found that I seem to "wake up" one day and realize - hey! What happened? How did I get here?
That's how I've felt for the past couple of months. We live life every day - but we do not realize it is passing and we can never live it again. Suddenly, I find myself in a different "season". I have grown older. Jay has retired from full-time pastoring. We are in a sort of limbo - not really belonging anywhere yet.
In this season of Thanksgiving - I am so thankful for our children. How God has blessed us! They never fail to encourage, support and attempt to supply any need they perceive. They put up with us and love us in spite of our flaws. They remember the good and forget any bad.
And I am MOST thankful for my Savior and my God, who never leaves nor forsakes. He guides and provides in His perfect timing. He is worthy of my complete trust - He has never failed me. He uses every season to teach me and conform me more to His image. I have learned when things are out of my control...He is always in control and He is GOOD. Thanksgiving and Praise!!
Thankful Thursday
5 years ago
Praise God, He is forever with us and thougb all else change around us, He is faithful. Oh how sweet to walk in this pilgrim way, leaning on the Everlasting Arms!
I thank God every day for you Belinda! You bless me every day with your strong, unfailing, trust in our Lord. I get strength from you. Thankful for you and Jay, the way you live your life and raise my Grand children. I pray God will continue to give you strength and wisdom to do whatever, whenever, he has plans for you! God Bless! I love you, Momma
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