Saturday, January 21, 2012

January Crafting

I have fretted, literally, since we stored away the Christmas decorations, because my front door has been NAKED!  I put up a "fall" wreath before we ever got to move in - and then, of course the Christmas wreath. But what does a January, or winter wreath look like????

After looking and looking, I decided to go ahead to Valentine's Day.  I found the decoration on Pinterest that I loved - but it has taken me two weeks to get the supplies (our town is very small, and even the one nearest us - had nothing).  Finally got everything yesterday and last night I went to work.


(Notice my turquoise mailbox?  It used to be black - I love the pop of color!)

Here is the close-up - I love the ruffly look and the way it feels...

It's not perfect - but it's exactly what I wanted.

Will share my other weekend craft next time!


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Listening to the Thunder

As usual, I just woke up...I've fallen asleep in the recliner...missed the ending of Chopped...who won?
Never mind - it really doesn't matter.

It's raining (pouring) outside and as I sit here, I can hear the train whistle in the distance.  It's thundering...that slow, distant rumble...and at times, that crackle that tells you  there is lightning somewhere too.  Do sounds bring back memories to you?  They do to me. 

Thunder makes me think of...
  • My kids coming and crawling into bed with us (when they were small) 
  • Lying in bed at my Grandmother McMahan's (Ma) the hot was SO dark...crickets (or was it frogs?)chirping...going to the dreaded storm cellar
  • Watching the night sky for tornadoes when we lived in Denmark, AR
  • Just loving a steady summer rain
  • The 12" snow we got in Batesville the year Cary was it thundered!
  • It's the "angels bowling" is "God giving us water"...all the things I used to tell my children when they were afraid...singing Philippians 4:8
Listening to the thunder, I'm reminded of those who have no home...or who are cold and wet...or hungry...or in despair...or lonely.  I am so blessed.